Introducing Sailor’s enchanting Princess Collection – a series of uniquely crafted fountain pens inspired by Japanese fairytales. Adorned with iconic motifs and radiant mother-of-pearl, the Princess Raden ProGear Slim features intricate “yubi maki-e” detailing on the barrel and cap. The shimmering raden parts add an elegant and dazzling touch, reflecting various colours and enhancing the princess-inspired theme. Princess Uguisu, a bush warbler in human disguise, receives a young visitor. She cautions him not to open the chest of drawers, but curiosity gets the better of him. The broken promise compels her to leave, and she takes flight in her avian form. Nib: 14k goldSize: φ17 x 124 mm (including clip)Weight: 16.8g Contents:1 Princess Raden Fountain Pen1 Shikiori Ink 20ml1 Converter
Nib | (F) Fine, (MF) Medium-Fine, (M) Medium |
Color | Pictured |
Size | OS |